John 2:3

‘When they ran out of wine, the mother of Jesus said to Him, “They have no wine.”’ John 2:3

“Why couldn’t they have run out of wings instead of wine?”

You know this story: the wedding at Cana and they run out of wine, makes it look like Jesus is pro drinking. Theologians have stumbled at this for centuries. Why wine? Why not cake? We can’t look Holy if we’re providing wine, can we?

Wine is symbolic here. Water turned into wine refers to the washing of the word, in the old covenant versus wine, which is the word and Holy Ghost in dwelling the believer in the new.

This new wine must be put into new wine skins which occurs in the new birth. This is a spiritual wine, which is the best, which God saves for last. Enjoy your wine, child of God. Jesus gave His life to provide it for you.

Barbara Williams