There’s a Summons Out With Your Name on It


There’s a Summons Out With Your Name on It


We are commanded by God to testify. Actually, there is a subpoena with your name on it. It’s not a one time court appearance, but a renewable writ that can be executed over and over again. Where’s your courtroom? Work? School? Wal-Mart? ( that’s a good place to testify), supermarket?

Even with a mask and social distancing, you must still tell what you have seen and know about Jesus and His glorious gospel. The truth about God can only be told by His people. Those who don’t know Him can’t testify. Paul experienced such a person; a girl with a spirit of divination followed him saying “these men show us the way of salvation.” She was a witch. She had no subpoena, no real testimony.

If you’re blood bought, you have been summoned. Testify.