You Ain’t Ready to Leave Home Till You Can Make an Axe Head Float


You Ain’t Ready to Leave Home Till You Can Make an Axe Head Float


I love this story. The sons of the prophets complain to Elisha that they want their own place. They live with the other prophets in training, but all of a sudden this place is too small… they grown and want their own place. They ask the senior prophet if they can build their own house and he says yes. But they ask him to come with them… and it’s a good thing they did.

As they are chopping wood, the borrowed axe head flies off the handle and lands in the river. They cry to the man of God, who helps them retrieve the axe head by causing it to float. This reminds me of all the “grown” young people who don’t like mom’s and pop’s place any longer but when you go visit them you bring drapes, towels, appliances, table, lamp… and groceries. You’re making their axe head float.

After you’ve performed that one last miracle, they’re on their own…

I think 🤔.