Your Tomb Is Also Your Womb


Your Tomb Is Also Your Womb


Lazarus is sick. His sisters send word to Jesus who is also a family friend, to come and heal him. Jesus waits until Lazarus is dead and then comes to their home. This is done purposely in order to demonstrate His power over death and the grave.

Jesus’s ministry always had multiple purposes. The onlookers need to see that God will raise the righteous from the dead and that Jesus is the resurrection and the life. When you’re in CHRIST every death situation in your life also becomes a place where new life will spring forth. When we die to the self life the tomb that restricts us from wrong desires also is nourishing the new thing God is bringing forth out of us. In fact, creation is groaning with us to bring us forth in mighty resurrection power.

Don’t despise your death. Expect to be expecting. There is a holy thing growing in you and it will be birthed.