I Love the Lord. He Heard My Voice and My Supplications


I Love the Lord. He Heard My Voice and My Supplications


It blows my mind sometimes that God would turn His attention to me. What is man that God is mindful of him? But He is mindful of us. We are important to Him and He proves it over and over again.

In planning to downsize from my present home, I am faced with having to prepare my home for sale. I considered what prospective buyers would like, but wasn’t sure how to go about it. I made a list and began to seek God. The next week a leaky faucet led to a mini makeover of my kitchen. $10,000 worth of work for $1,000 deductible, the floor having been my problem area.

If you know of anybody who can beat my God providing and caring for every detail, let me know.

I love the Lord … He heard my heart cry and more than provided for my every need.