Beacon to the Body of Christ; Keeper of the Lord’s Lighthouse


“I will stand upon my watch and set me upon the tower, and will watch to see what He will say unto me, and what I shall answer when I am reproved.” Habakkuk 2:1

Who is the Watchman?

The Watchman is one who is assigned a specific list of duties in prayer and warfare that have the following functions for the body of Christ: protection, defense, observation, warning, revelation, offense, execution of written judgments upon principalities and powers, establishing Divine government of the church, preparing the way of the Lord, and carrying out the Word of the Lord.

As you can see, these duties are consistent with the office of the prophet, and where some duties had a natural execution under the old covenant, they have spiritual executions under the New Covenant.

“For several years now I have wanted to put in writing the things that God has shown me over the past twelve years pertaining to this particular ministry. I hope that what you will read in this book will be enlightening,  sobering, and informative. I hope it will encourage you to use the knowledge that is put forth here to help your work for the Lord Jesus Christ.” Barbara A. Williams

This book contains foundational tools and insight for your ministry. It clearly outlines the ministry of the watchman from the Word, and the necessity for this ministry in the Church. Whether you are in full time ministry, called the ministry, or a believer who wants to fulfill the great commission, this book is for you!


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