It Looks like a Shipwreck, but It’s Really an Answer to Prayer.


It Looks like a Shipwreck, but It’s Really an Answer to Prayer.


Let’s look at household salvation. It’s often one of the first prayers we pray. Whether it’s a church, living room or online prayer group, somebody is believing for salvation of family members. Your prayer puts them in the ark of safety. Remember all those references to your family being safe in the gospel ship? Nobody tells you of the storm that puts your tidy little plan in peril. Son lost a job, nephew arrested, husband acting funny, kids packing their bags, drugs, alcohol, cross dressers ( your husband’s family). Now your tidy ark of safety is broken into fragments. What happened? Life happened. But like the Apostle Paul you must remind yourself whose you are and whom you serve. They’re all saved, just not coming in in a whole ship. Some are on fragments, splinters, some swim to safety, but they all make it in. It ain’t pretty, but it’s God…whose you are and whom you serve.