God Opened the Door of Faith and This Is What Happened to Us


God Opened the Door of Faith and This Is What Happened to Us


Boy, if we lived in the time of the early church, we would live on the edge of our seats, spiritually speaking. In just this one chapter, Paul and Barnabas are co-laboring for God. They win souls in one city, then get chased out. In the next city, God uses them to heal a lame man and the priest of Zeus wants to make them gods.

Next city, Paul is stoned and dragged out of the city and left for dead, but the saints surround him, he gets up and goes to the next city and wins more souls to Christ. When they finally get home to Antioch, they shared all these events with the church as God had opened a door of faith.

Wow! And I think it’s a big deal to pray for someone in the supermarket!

Your ministry may not be as edgy as theirs, but a door of faith is the same because we serve the same God. As long as you walk through that door, you’ll have a strong testimony on the other side. Shalom.