Don’t Give Your Testimony in the Place That Couldn’t Heal You


Don’t Give Your Testimony in the Place That Couldn’t Heal You


Did you ever notice that Jesus counseled some people that he had healed not to tell anyone?

Wonder why?

Well, for starters words are warfare. They establish one kingdom or the other. When you are healed by the word, you are bringing heaven down on earth and the god of this world hates it. He will send hell right to your door to steal that piece of heaven from you.

This man born blind was healed and when his neighbors saw him they began to question him. An argument breaks out and the neighbors haul him off to the Pharisees for further questioning. They drag his parents into the argument. The parents clam up and send the Pharisees back to their son. Everybody asks how Jesus opened his eyes. What did he do? Is he a prophet? It’s strange that nobody is rejoicing in this miracle.

This is a lesson for us. Not everybody is happy for your blessing. The religious never are. God will open the right door for your testimony. If you try to open your own door, all hell may break out against you.
