Return to Your Stronghold, Prisoner of Hope… I Will Reward You Double


Return to Your Stronghold, Prisoner of Hope…
I Will Reward You Double


A stronghold is a shelter or place of security. That’s what hope is. It is an anchor and security for our future. Then why would we depart such a place?

Because we can become discouraged when hope is deferred. We’ve all been there. When promises don’t materialize as quickly as we had hoped, when the thing we seek doesn’t seem to satisfy, we may abandon hope not realizing what a security it is for us. We feel horrible that we want to give up. We even pretend to still be excited about the promise, but inwardly we are are planning to escape the stronghold that protects our future.

But God invites us to return and again imprison ourselves in hope. We must handcuff ourselves to the promise even when it looks dark and we are convinced it will not come to pass. And God knows our difficulty because He promises us double reward if we will again shackle ourselves to our future in Him. He encourages us with double reward.

Are you a prisoner of hope?