The Working of Miracles


The Working of Miracles


All miracles are not the same. A miracle is basically a notable supernatural occurrence. We often say “it’s a miracle” when things occur that are seemingly impossible. That is not the same as the gift of the working of miracles that God has given to the church.

This gift of the Holy Ghost requires a believing son or daughter of God to “work” under the power of the Holy Spirit to bring wholeness to one in need. Healing is a spiritual event, so the working of miracles has to make sense to the spirit man.

When Jesus healed the man who was born blind, He had to work a creative miracle. He made clay with his spit, which looks awful in the natural, but I believe that young man’s spirit leaped with joy as the Creator recreated what was missing at his birth. Man is made from clay, so it makes sense to the spirit that spit and dirt would work a miracle to give him eyes to see.

At times God may have us do things that are strange to our natural man, but by the spirit a miracle is working.