Well, What Did You Expect Pruning to Feel Like?


Well, What Did You Expect Pruning to Feel Like?


This parable about the fruitful vs. unfruitful children of God let’s us know that both the faithful and unfaithful servants get the same pruning. The unfaithful get cut off and the faithful get the dead branches removed.

Kinda like what’s going on now.

If you haven’t noticed, there’s not much activity going on in the church community. Even churches that are open are limited in some fashion. That takes care of the gossip, hypocrisy, false prophets and teachers, seducing spirits, thieves. The pruning may cause some churches to close permanently. Others will fall on their faces before God and build again, but on prayer this time. Those who endure the pruning will produce more fruit in their latter time than the former.

It’s not pleasant but it’s God.