Yet, Once More…
God spoke to Moses and the children of Israel and the earth shook. He promises to do it again. This time, not only the earth, but the heavens will shake also.
What does that mean?
Maybe it’s allowing churches to be closed so we only have Him to cling to. Or maybe it’s allowing political views to be challenged by His word. Maybe having a job you hate and being glad for it. Perhaps it’s expecting a great wealth transfer and all you’ve gotten are two stimmie checks. Maybe losing a house, friends, family. The relationships you thought were forever are shaky or gone.
Yes, God shakes our lives for our good. We’ve got to know that what we have is real. There are many illusions and fantasies being touted. He wants us to be steadfast and immovable; clinging to His Word.
It’s gonna shake… fear not. If it moves, let it go. What remains will be His kingdom truth in you. Shalom.