Your Faith Shames Your Adversaries


Your Faith Shames Your Adversaries


Jesus meets a woman in the synagogue who has been sick for eighteen years. This infirmity has crippled her. When He heals her the ruler of the synagogue criticizes Jesus for healing her on the sabbath day.

Jesus defends Himself by first calling the ruler a hypocrite and then saying the woman ought to be healed. She has a covenant with God that includes healing and she’s overdue for her healing. The ruler was ashamed of himself but the people were excited. God sends us to help those who are looking for help. Those who should help but do not will be ashamed when someone else does it.

When I first began in ministry in a local church, the pastor ordained me and encouraged me in ministry, until the praise reports began. After that it was criticism. Eventually we parted ways.

Don’t be surprised if you get run out of town because God empowers you and uses you. The people you help will be pleased. Anyhow, ain’t nobody mad but the devil.