God Is Not Stingy With His Seed


God Is Not Stingy With His Seed


Forgive my sloppy attempt at visual aid. Below is the picture of a portion of the seed bed from a yellow bell pepper. There are loads of seeds provided in that one pepper. If we plant all available seeds what a great harvest we would reap!

I believe the seed in anything God makes is abundant. God wants to perpetuate life. He is looking for sowers… people who are not satisfied with just enough but desire His abundance. If you think about it, seed is everywhere. Your words, possessions, time, finances, job, household goods, almost anything you can think of has the potential for growth and increase.

Ask God how to turn simple things you have into a great harvest. The prophet’s widow didn’t know that pot of oil would produce enough wealth to pay off debts and provide a lifetime income for her and her two sons. All we need to do is obey God’s direction in how we handle our resources.

Abundant seeds when sown produce abundant harvests.

God Is Not Stingy With His Seed


God Is Not Stingy With His Seed


Forgive my sloppy attempt at visual aid. Below is the picture of a portion of the seed bed from a yellow bell pepper. There are loads of seeds provided in that one pepper. If we plant all available seeds what a great harvest we would reap!

I believe the seed in anything God makes is abundant. God wants to perpetuate life. He is looking for sowers… people who are not satisfied with just enough but desire His abundance. If you think about it, seed is everywhere. Your words, possessions, time, finances, job, household goods, almost anything you can think of has the potential for growth and increase.

Ask God how to turn simple things you have into a great harvest. The prophet’s widow didn’t know that pot of oil would produce enough wealth to pay off debts and provide a lifetime income for her and her two sons. All we need to do is obey God’s direction in how we handle our resources.

Abundant seeds when sown produce abundant harvests.