Your Seed Is Full Of Promise


He Saves the Best for Last


“Gee, I wish you hadn’t said that, Barb. I want mine now.” Me too, but it appears God’s wisdom works a little differently. Why last? The best comes last. There are many things we receive quickly. We have shelter, food, friends. We have a lot to enjoy and it takes no sweat to get them.

God is in the blessing business. But notice he said “ best” is saved for last. God’s best is the grand finale. His Son was the last Adam. David was the last to stand before Samuel. Many great things are promised in the last days… .the outpouring of the spirit; the great revival. Our latter end is better than our beginning.

You get it?

There’s something to look forward to even in old age. How many of us would quit if we didn’t believe better days were ahead..and it’s not make believe… it’s heaven’s promise. The anticipation of greater, better, best is the faith that Jesus will be looking for at His return. Stay in faith. The best is yet to come.