We Come With a Warranty… An Eternal Bumper to Bumper and Beyond Warranty


We Come With a Warranty… An Eternal Bumper to Bumper and Beyond Warranty


As your days, so shall your strength be. That’s a guarantee that your parts will not wear out. If they begin to show signs of wear, God has healing and replacement parts for our bodies and minds. We have a covenant of eternal life with God.

Eternal life is not the sweet by and by someday but eternal life is the resurrection power of Jesus that resides in all who are born of His Spirit. Life that won’t wear out.

Caleb had this word working in him. At age 80 he drove the giant inhabitants off his mountain. Abraham and Sarah, the same: they had Isaac at ages 90 and 99. Twenty years later after Sarah’s death, Abraham married again and had more children. We have guaranteed long life, renewed strength and energy and a high quality life worth living.

We have an eternal guarantee.