There’s Still Much Land to Be Possessed


There’s Still Much Land to Be Possessed


Joshua has got to be tired. He’s now an elderly man and God tells him he’s gotta keep fighting. Joshua and his tribe fought and possessed their land over forty years ago, yet here he is, as the faithful leader still helping his brethren possess their land.

Believe it or not, he has an easier job than his predecessor, Moses because all the murmurers, complainers, fearful backbiters have died. He has a young, energetic, obedient army to lead. You know where I’m going with this. Even in your old age, God will unleash the warrior inside you.

Your experience with God is needed. You’ve matured in faith. You’ve stopped whining and murmuring at your prayer assignment. You actually look forward to helping someone else get their miracle. There’s a young lion inside ready to pounce on the devil and go the extra mile for God’s glory. You are of the Joshua generation: older, wiser, but well able to take on the enemy and win!

Don’t sit down now… the fight is just getting started!