Flesh Has an Inheritance… Even Hamlet Knew That
He said that flesh is heir to heartache and a thousand shocks, and that sleep only gives a temporary relief. Aren’t you happy that the blood of Jesus cancels the fleshy and replaces it with a holy, Godly and spiritual inheritance?
One thing is sure, the flesh will never inherit God’s kingdom… in fact, flesh will interfere with our access to the world of the Spirit. It is through denying self and living a life devoted to God that our spiritual inheritance is obtained. It’s worth it to put away youthful lusts and childish things to obtain a level of living beyond our ability to ask or think.
We open the windows of heaven with our prayers: heal the sick, bind the broken hearted, bring peace to the troubled and hope to the weary. Yes. Flesh is heir to many heartbreaks but we have a new inheritance in Him. Let’s walk in it.