Have You Taken Your Temperature Lately?


Have You Taken Your Temperature Lately?


The message to the lukewarm church at Laodicea. Jesus says he would rather we be hot or cold. He can’t stomach lukewarm. This church was totally focused on materialism. They felt they didn’t need the Lord because they had so much wealth. They lived in comfort but not the kingdom. They were spiritually bankrupt. They made him want to vomit. They didn’t know they were naked and blind. They have need of repentance; to trade their material goods for the true wealth that is only found in Christ.

Jesus gets excited about us when we seek His righteousness because we come closer to that day when we can be totally united with Him. We have to be equally excited about Him. He wants us eager to sit at His feet, seek His face and hear Divine revelation. One day this earth and its contents will perish. Churches being closed should give us a hint. God wants us to crave the things of the spirit in a new way. He’s forcing us out of lukewarmness and deep into His presence. Let’s abide there.