He Rescued Me Because He Delighted in Me


He Rescued Me Because He Delighted in Me


What causes God to delight in us? That word is a little interesting. We are often so awestruck by God, we’re more concerned with doing the right thing, not messing up … things that pertain to our behavior that we seldom stop and think, “ is this what you want, God? Am I pleasing you?” Well this scripture says that if we are delivered from bondage, it is because He delights in us.

The redeemed are His delight! The word delight means to bend toward, find extreme pleasure … to wag one’s tail!

Can you believe it? God frees us from bondage because He finds extreme pleasure in us. If He has set you free, it’s because you delight Him.

He is excited over you, Beloved. Think about that the next time you’re hurt by someone. They may not value you, but God is jumping for joy thinking about you!