Do You Want Sprinkles on That?


Do You Want Sprinkles on That?


I’m not sure why I smile at the thought of putting sprinkles on anything, but I do. I think of joy as the sprinkles that God adds to our already blessed life. We have nine spiritual fruit to enjoy. They make our lives pleasant, prosperous, peaceful and abundant. But that’s not good enough for God. He must add the sprinkles … the joy. His joy.

He tells us to ask Him for anything and He will do it. Why? So He can add sprinkles to your cupcake. He wants you to smile all over at the thought of His goodness. So many are seeking stuff. You don’t have to be saved to have stuff. Why not have sprinkles on top of your stuff. Enjoy it immensely! When it comes from God, you have everything you want in the natural and joy with it. No sorrow as the world has, but blessing upon blessing.

I’m telling you, it’s a wonderful thing to have God’s presence with your stuff. It puts blessing in a whole new category. Try it and see if you don’t smile inside and out. And you thought you didn’t like sprinkles.