I’m Gonna Learn to Keep My Big Mouth Shut


I’m Gonna Learn to Keep My Big Mouth Shut


Isaiah is experiencing a vision of the throne of God. Angels cry “holy” and The Lord’s train fills the temple. Overwhelmed with the awesome sight, he is immediately convicted of his sin, and confesses it. His lips are unclean! Right away, an angel takes a hot coal and places it on his lips! Now his lips are purified. He can now speak for God as His prophet. Imagine having such an experience. I bet he won’t complain of unclean lips again.

Thank God for the gift of tongues! We have a similar experience with the baptism in the Holy Ghost and Fire. Our lips are purified with the refining fire of God’s Spirit. And we need it. The hardest member of the body to tame is the tongue. Praying in tongues keeps us in the pure love of God. Our words become His words.

No more hot coals, praise God, but a better purification that makes us fit for ministry.