You Can’t Move Me, No Matter How Hard You Try


You Can’t Move Me, No Matter How Hard You Try


The one thing that is sure to pay off and cause you to prosper is your work for the Lord. Jesus says if you give someone a cup of cold water in His name, you will not lose your reward. As servants and children of God, we offer up all our efforts to Him. If we go out to dinner, we set a Christian example of kindness, self control and patience. On the job, we are punctual, efficient and conscientious. In our families we are loving, giving and supportive.

This labor is not in vain. It pays great dividends: the free dessert at the restaurant, the bonus in our paycheck, raising children who love God… these are a small part of the dividends that God pays when you labor to honor Him. No, I’m not moving. I’m not going back to serving self and Satan. I’ll say with Job, “though He slay me, yet will I trust Him.”

No. I’m not moving. I’m planted in Him, and it’s a good thing.