Bad News Travels Fast


Bad News Travels Fast


I know you’ve heard that saying. There’s some truth to it. The god of this world is also the prince of the power of the air. He controls and manipulates communications. Confusion, lies… anything for shock value; to steal your faith.

The ruler of the synagogue had such an encounter with bad news. He was in the process of asking Jesus to come to his house and heal his little girl when the bad news bears come up to him and tell him not to bother Jesus because the girl is dead. It’s over for you. Give it up. Well, the devil is still a liar. Jesus immediately rebuked the bad news with His faith and cautioned the ruler to “fear not, only believe.”

We need to do the same.

Don’t fear the devil’s lies. Only believe God’s word. Jesus made good on His word… He raised the girl from the dead. Don’t mess with a child of God believing for a miracle! Our God reigns!