Just Because You Bought Your Ticket, Doesn’t Mean You’re Going Anywhere


Just Because You Bought Your Ticket, Doesn’t Mean You’re Going Anywhere


Jonah is in a bad mood, it seems. He’s angry at God. Why? He thinks he knows what God is going to do and he wants God to do something different. He’s a prophet, but he has a human carnal side that craves expression. We all do.

Many of us want God to do something that WE want to see happen when we want to see it. We want to have our way. You might say, “well, Barb, I’d never go so far as that.” Disobedience is disobedience. God sees it all the same. Jonah thought he could refuse God’s direction. So he pays his own way to rebellion. Paying your own way means you don’t ask GOD’s permission.

How many times have we stepped out in presumption instead of faith? Many of us have the bruises to show for it. Jonah had his share of trouble as well. He finally repented and agreed to obey God and the trouble ceased. He never got where he thought he was going.

There’s a lesson here. Many teach that God won’t cross free will. If you’re in disobedience your will is no longer free; it’s bound by witchcraft and you need deliverance. Trouble will come to you until you repent. Thank God for trouble… it leads you back to the cross.