Seriously Elisha… An Eye Exam at a Time Like This?


Seriously Elisha… An Eye Exam at a Time Like This?


Elisha, like most prophets, runs a school of the prophets. For prophets, school is always in session. Every situation is a learning opportunity. I know, this one seems like an emergency, but God’s instructions must be followed. When Elisha’s student woke up and saw the enemy had them surrounded by chariots and horsemen, alarmed, he tells the prophet who prays a strange sounding prayer.

Instead of wailing, crying, calling down fire from heaven, he prays, “Father, open his eyes.” What? This is about eyes? How so?

The senior prophet sees what the student cannot. Why did he not address the obvious army surrounding them? Because compared to God’s invisible, supernatural army, they don’t stand a chance. What’s important here? Since the senior prophet sees in the spirit, he knows the battle is the Lord’s. He sees a greater angelic army surrounding the natural one the student sees. The student has to learn this and learn it now. His fear must be removed or he won’t be in agreement with Elisha which is mandatory for them to follow God’s instructions. An eye exam is what’s needed.

When his eyes are opened, he sees what’s important. God is their shield and their defense. Elisha then asks God to strike the army blind.

Why? Mercy.

God spares the entire army by leading them outside the city. Elisha and his student live to continue serving God.