Are You Living in the Certainties of God?


Are You Living in the Certainties of God?


Throughout the Bible you see people described as “certain.” To be certain of something is to be sure of it; to know without a doubt, to have knowledge and to be unshakable.

I’ve noticed that when Jesus ministered, many people who received from Him were described as “certain.” The woman with the issue of blood, the paralytic, the centurion’s servant among others were described that way. They stood out, another definition of certain.

When you’re a certain person, you are sure of something that causes God to take notice of you and bless you. You live in the certainties of God: you have His life, His faith, His purpose. Your goal is to please Him and do His will. You stand out and God will not pass you by. In fact, He’s looking for you and will show Himself strong on your behalf.

Are you certain He will do it?

Then He certainly will.