He Doesn’t Have to Spoil You to Love You


He Doesn’t Have to Spoil You to Love You


Satan accuses God of spoiling Job. He says, “doth Job fear God for nought?”

In other words, “anybody would serve you if they had everything in the world they ever wanted. Plus you’ve got him protected from all evil… I can’t touch him.” Satan challenges Job’s character with these words. But Job is a righteous man. Will he hold on to his righteousness if the hedge comes down… if he suffers loss of all that he has?

The challenge for Job is: will you believe God still loves you if you don’t get everything you ask for?

Ouch! That slap came out of nowhere! That’s just how Job felt. He was used to being blessed in a big way. Now his love for God is being tested in a big way. Will he hold on to his righteousness?

What will you do, Beloved?

Many people lost much in the past two years. Are you still holding on to His hand?

Do you love Him even more now or has your love grown cold?

His love for us never changes. Job found that out; for after every test is the reward. Job’s love for God passed the test. He never cursed God, but blessed the One who had always blessed him. That’s what God expects from us as well… “though He slay me, yet will I trust Him.”

He Doesn’t Have to Spoil You to Love You


He Doesn’t Have to Spoil You to Love You


Satan accuses God of spoiling Job. He says, “doth Job fear God for nought?”

In other words, “anybody would serve you if they had everything in the world they ever wanted. Plus you’ve got him protected from all evil… I can’t touch him.” Satan challenges Job’s character with these words. But Job is a righteous man. Will he hold on to his righteousness if the hedge comes down… if he suffers loss of all that he has?

The challenge for Job is: will you believe God still loves you if you don’t get everything you ask for?

Ouch! That slap came out of nowhere! That’s just how Job felt. He was used to being blessed in a big way. Now his love for God is being tested in a big way. Will he hold on to his righteousness?

What will you do, Beloved?

Many people lost much in the past two years. Are you still holding on to His hand?

Do you love Him even more now or has your love grown cold?

His love for us never changes. Job found that out; for after every test is the reward. Job’s love for God passed the test. He never cursed God, but blessed the One who had always blessed him. That’s what God expects from us as well… “though He slay me, yet will I trust Him.”