Every Vain Pursuit Has a Cost


God purchased us with His blood for a reason: we should be a reflection of Him in the earth. Just as Jesus revealed the Father, we reveal Jesus. It’s a privilege and an honor to be chosen for this life. We forget that sometimes because life often puts demands on us that may cause us to put God in second or third place or forget Him altogether and decide to do our own thing. That’s what’s called a vain pursuit. It wastes the time and resources God has placed in our hands to glorify Him. Jonah made this mistake. He referred to his thinking as a lying vanity. He thought he could disobey God while carrying God’s anointing. The anointing is like a target on your back. It draws people toward you for the purpose of ministry and Christian fellowship, but it also makes you a target for the enemy who seems to work overtime trying to draw you off your God appointed duties. Jonah lost valuable time and almost his life in his vain pursuit. He shot his witness to the sailors who had to throw him overboard. Every moment counts, saints of God. We don’t have time for vain pursuits… only time to pursue Him.

Every Vain Pursuit Has a Cost


God purchased us with His blood for a reason: we should be a reflection of Him in the earth. Just as Jesus revealed the Father, we reveal Jesus. It’s a privilege and an honor to be chosen for this life. We forget that sometimes because life often puts demands on us that may cause us to put God in second or third place or forget Him altogether and decide to do our own thing. That’s what’s called a vain pursuit. It wastes the time and resources God has placed in our hands to glorify Him. Jonah made this mistake. He referred to his thinking as a lying vanity. He thought he could disobey God while carrying God’s anointing. The anointing is like a target on your back. It draws people toward you for the purpose of ministry and Christian fellowship, but it also makes you a target for the enemy who seems to work overtime trying to draw you off your God appointed duties. Jonah lost valuable time and almost his life in his vain pursuit. He shot his witness to the sailors who had to throw him overboard. Every moment counts, saints of God. We don’t have time for vain pursuits… only time to pursue Him.