Maybe You Don’t Need Power… You Need Wisdom


Maybe You Don’t Need Power… You Need Wisdom


This passage says David dealt wisely with Saul. Saul is trying to kill David for no cause. David has committed no crime. David is younger and stronger. He also has a growing army. He has power. But is power all that is needed?

We pray for more power. I know I do. We want to see God do more: healing, protection, deliverance, salvation. And He has called and anointed us to do these things. Yet we want and need to see more manifestation. Lets take a lesson from a mighty warrior. David sought wisdom from God in dealing with Saul. Wisdom told David not to touch God’s anointed. He couldn’t kill Saul, even in self defense. He had power he was forbidden to use. What’s left?

Wisdom. Wisdom is the ability to succeed supernaturally. Wisdom causes us to tap into God’s mind and bring forth success. We need wisdom to know how to use and direct the power at our disposal. Wisdom is the “how to” of God: what to say and when to say it. Once wisdom is applied the power follows. David escaped Saul again and again and lived to make Israel a great nation as her king. Wisdom is the principal thing. Give it first place and success is guaranteed.