The Blood of Jesus Speaks Better Things


The Blood of Jesus Speaks Better Things


Have you ever had a glorious thought?

I mean a vision of something that is nice beyond belief?

Perhaps you’re praying and meditating on you children’s future and you begin to envision them grown up, with excellent careers: professional, Godly, nice home, family..the works! Then you wake yourself up and come back to your senses! Or so you think. Where did that scenario originate?

Your imagination only or was there something of God in that?

Fast forward and it begins to happen. You realize “that was God” and you begin to have a knowing in your heart that He wants you to have more than you can ask or think. His blood has spoken those things to you. His blood makes His word solid and definitive… not a maybe or I hope so. It also speaks something better than you can dream of. It assures us that all we desire is bought and paid for. Better is your portion, Beloved. Better than you can ask or think, better than ever, better health, better finances, better days ahead. Better is the voice of His blood.

The Blood of Jesus Speaks Better Things


The Blood of Jesus Speaks Better Things


Have you ever had a glorious thought?

I mean a vision of something that is nice beyond belief?

Perhaps you’re praying and meditating on you children’s future and you begin to envision them grown up, with excellent careers: professional, Godly, nice home, family..the works! Then you wake yourself up and come back to your senses! Or so you think. Where did that scenario originate?

Your imagination only or was there something of God in that?

Fast forward and it begins to happen. You realize “that was God” and you begin to have a knowing in your heart that He wants you to have more than you can ask or think. His blood has spoken those things to you. His blood makes His word solid and definitive… not a maybe or I hope so. It also speaks something better than you can dream of. It assures us that all we desire is bought and paid for. Better is your portion, Beloved. Better than you can ask or think, better than ever, better health, better finances, better days ahead. Better is the voice of His blood.