Your Words Follow You


Your Words Follow You


Prayer seals the deal. Once you pray in faith, you have received what you asked for by faith. Hold on because the rest is coming, but you must continue to declare and say what’s yours.

Why is it important for you to say what you believe? Because that’s how God talks. He declares a thing first, then it appears. We have that same spirit of faith by the indwelling Holy Spirit, so if we want something from heaven, we must speak heaven’s language in agreement with God. The words you speak follow you wherever you go. If you speak blessings they follow you. If you speak health, you will receive health.

Dr. Norvel Hayes tells of a woman who did volunteer work for the church: cleaning homes for the sick, tending to the needs of those in need. She asked God for a Cadillac and daily would thank Him for it. About two years later(this is why many of us don’t think this works… takes time) a woman called her and said God was telling her to give her car to her… a Cadillac. Her words followed her and drove that car right into her garage.

Beloved, there’s no cost to declaring God’s promises over your life. Make it a daily habit and watch your words follow you.