God Fixes It All in the End


God Fixes It All in the End


Cue Mr. Francis Albert Sinatra, please…

🎼 “Regrets, I’ve had a few
But then again too few to mention…”
(From the song, My Way)

Well, that’s a pretty good report for a an ordinary person who lives a worldly life. The person in this song feels pretty good about his life. Why? He did things his way and I guess it turned out ok for him.

That’s not our story. As a matter of fact, we have assurances that the opposite is true. God works everything out for our good if we do it His way. No believer needs to live with regret… short term or long term. When we are called and are carrying out His purposes in the earth, we have His assurance that He is working everything out and it’s all good.

We have NO regrets when we commit our way to the Lord. He forgives our sins and heals our diseases. We have no cares if we will cast them all on Him. He fights for us, our mistakes are corrected and our debts are paid.

Do you have regrets, my friend? If so, take them to Jesus. He will remove them from your mind. His way is the way of peace. When you trust Him to make a way for you, there’s nothing but goodness and mercy coming your way. It must be His way, not ours. Shalom.