Is It Faith or Is It Willpower?


Is It Faith or Is It Willpower?


The just shall live by faith. Faith is a Holy Spirit life force. Faith has substance that gives us assurance that things dear to our hearts are ours. Really ours. Though we may not see them yet, they are on the way. They are reserved for us in glory and faith assures is of this.

Faith requires helpers: works, patience, love, praise to name a few to enable it to manifest the promise. Often we mistake will power for faith. Our own strength will get some things that are satisfying to our carnal man, but at what cost? Material things are but a small portion of our inheritance. Our kingdom reveals life in the spirit to us as a real place where we can live in the fruit of the spirit.

Willpower will not do that. We only frustrate the grace of God when we live in the strength of our will. Learn to seek God in all your ways. Honor Him by living by faith. It’s a good life. The Kingdom life.

Jesus died to give us the kingdom.