No Man Is Able to Pluck You Out of My Father’s Hand


No Man Is Able to Pluck You Out of My Father’s Hand


Have you committed your way to the Lord? It’s a wise thing to do. Whatever is placed in the Father’s hand no man can pluck out.

I was a new Christian suffering through a nervous breakdown brought on by marital problems. I wavered between feeling rejected and “I don’t care.” Neither position offered any peace. The world’s solutions are not solutions at all. My marriage, which used to be a joy, became a burden that I couldn’t get get released from… or so I thought.

Thankfully God gave me a hunger for His Word. I came upon this scripture and realized that I could commit my marriage into God’s hands and it would be secure there. God was faithful to me and my husband. He helped us to be faithfully and joyfully married until He took my husband home. It’s a blessing to realize that we don’t have answers. God has them all. Put everything into His hands and enjoy the results. You do you; let God be God.