Don’t Hold Your Faith Hostage
What do you need?
Maybe you have not because you ask not. Often we do things automatically, without thinking. You want a drink, you buy it. You want clothes, you buy them. We get into the flow of letting money answer for us. After a while, when lack sets in, we say we have a money problem. May I suggest that money is NOT the problem. Faith is. When was the last time you sought God for even the smallest need?
God challenged me to seek His leading in every thing by unleashing my faith instead of holding it hostage. I began by asking God to lead me to the best values in the store. My $10 Walmart tennis shoes were $2 last time. Got a shirt as a gift for $1 (I won’t tell you who it’s for). Many times we skip using our faith out of fear. We don’t ask God because we fear the outcome. Will God give us what we want or will we get a substitute?
You want a better job, but don’t want more work; want a spouse but not an ugly one; a new car but no note… and on and on. God will only do you good. Trust Him. Unharness your powerful, mountain moving faith. Watch what God does with it.