God Is in a Good Mood All the Time!


God Is in a Good Mood All the Time!


I remember as a kid overhearing “grown folks” conversations. A phrase they used to describe someone in a complementary way was: “ they’re the same all the time.” That meant they were pleasant to be around; not moody or as my mother would say, “some timey.” We seek stability in others. It makes us feel we can trust them. We can share our thoughts with them without fear of betrayal, or rejection.

God is that way with us. He’s in a good mood all the time where we’re concerned. He’s a loving Heavenly Father who thinks the best of us at all times. When we do our worst He still thinks the best. He offers us a chance to come to Him and be set back on course. God always gives us hope. He lights our candle and assures us that we will get there; we will make it, and in grand style. Our path grows brighter every day because He’s the same all the time and He won’t let us down.

The God of the whole world only wants to do us good. Shalom.