MONDAY’S MEDITATION The Most Powerful Prayer Ever Prayed SCRIPTURE: MATTHEW 26:42 This prayer expressed a love never before demonstrated. Selfless,…
A teaching by Rev. Barbara Williams, President of the Ministry of the Watchman International Week of November 1-5, 2021 MONDAY…
FAITH FOR FRIDAY His Will Prevails SCRIPTURE: 2 TIMOTHY 2:13 You do know that when we pray we partner with…
THURSDAY’S TRUTH Fear Slams the Door to Opportunity SCRIPTURE: ROMANS 8:15 Fear has bondage. It locks one up into a…
THURSDAY’S TRUTH Fear Slams the Door to Opportunity SCRIPTURE: ROMANS 8:15 Fear has bondage. It locks one up into a…
WEDNESDAY’S WISDOM The God of Unlimited Supply Is Here… What Are You Going to Do? SCRIPTURE: 1 KINGS 17 The…
WEDNESDAY’S WISDOM The God of Unlimited Supply Is Here… What Are You Going to Do? SCRIPTURE: 1 KINGS 17 The…
THOUGHT FOR TUESDAY Your Faith Is YOUR Evidence SCRIPTURE: HEBREWS 11:1 Faith is a spiritual force that is detectable. When…
THOUGHT FOR TUESDAY Your Faith Is YOUR Evidence SCRIPTURE: HEBREWS 11:1 Faith is a spiritual force that is detectable. When…
MONDAY’S MEDITATION Beware the Ugly Monster of Doubt SCRIPTURE: MARK 11:23 God’s promises are true. Those who believe in their…