THURSDAY’S TRUTH I Love the Lord. He Heard My Voice and My Supplications SCRIPTURE: PSALM 116:1 It blows my mind…
WEDNESDAY’S WISDOM You’re Invited to an Angel Fight SCRIPTURE: 1 CHRONICLES 14:13 Israel is waging war against the Philistines. They…
THOUGHT FOR TUESDAY Multitudes Followed Him and He Healed Them All SCRIPTURE: MATTHEW 12:15 Are you following the crowd or…
MONDAY’S MEDITATION I Want to Talk to You Every Day SCRIPTURE: MATTHEW 6:11 Jesus teaches us to pray. In asking…
FAITH FOR FRIDAY It’s Coming to You From a Place Called Glory SCRIPTURE: PHILIPPIANS 4:19 The realm of glory is…
THURSDAY’S TRUTH In Him Was Life SCRIPTURE: JOHN 1:4 Jesus was a phenomenal person. Nobody ever was or ever will…
WEDNESDAY’S WISDOM Oh, No You Don’t Devil! The Blood of Jesus Prevents You! SCRIPTURE: HEBREWS 12:24 God honors the shed…
THOUGHT FOR TUESDAY With Long Life I Will Satisfy Him and Show Him My Salvation SCRIPTURE: PSALM 91:16 God promises…
MONDAY’S MEDITATION The Persuasive Spirit of Faith SCRIPTURE: ROMANS 4 Abraham went from believing God to being fully persuaded that…
FAITH FOR FRIDAY I Will Destroy Him From the Fruit Above to the Root Below SCRIPTURE: AMOS 2:9 God also…