FAITH FOR FRIDAY Know What You’re Looking For SCRIPTURE: MATTHEW 12:39 Jesus has performed many healings and miracles, yet the…
FAITH FOR FRIDAY Know What You’re Looking For SCRIPTURE: MATTHEW 12:39 Jesus has performed many healings and miracles, yet the…
THURSDAY’S TRUTH Even the Devil’s People Believe Signs and Wonders Point to God SCRIPTURE: JOHN 11:48 The religious leaders are…
WEDNESDAY’S WISDOM Don’t Let Your Feelings Guide You SCRIPTURE: GENESIS 27:22 Ok everybody, altogether now, “but Barb, what’s wrong with…
THOUGHT FOR TUESDAY Increase Your Expectation of Good SCRIPTURE: DEUTERONOMY 8:16 Boy, there’s enough gloom and doom being spoken. In…
MONDAY’S MEDITATION The Anointing Will Amaze You! SCRIPTURE: LUKE 4:32 Jesus has just announced that He is anointed with the…
FAITH FOR FRIDAY God Is Not Stingy With His Seed SCRIPTURE: GENESIS 1:11 Forgive my sloppy attempt at visual aid.…
FAITH FOR FRIDAY God Is Not Stingy With His Seed SCRIPTURE: GENESIS 1:11 Forgive my sloppy attempt at visual aid.…
THURSDAY’S TRUTH You Can’t Flunk Out of the School of the Spirit SCRIPTURE: ROMANS 8:29 We have a destiny to…
THURSDAY’S TRUTH You Can’t Flunk Out of the School of the Spirit SCRIPTURE: ROMANS 8:29 We have a destiny to…