WEDNESDAY’S WISDOM Follow the Evidence SCRIPTURE: HEBREWS 11:1 I love a good cop show, detective drama… what my niece Rachel…
THOUGHT FOR TUESDAY What Is the Theme of Your Life? SCRIPTURE: JOHN 13:34 A theme is a recurring idea. In…
MONDAY’S MEDITATION Y’all Pray for Me I’m on Consecration SCRIPTURE: MATTHEW 6:16-19 I’m not sure what’s going on when people…
FAITH FOR FRIDAY The Blood Stops the Reign of Death SCRIPTURE: 1 CORINTHIANS 15:55-57 Romans 5:14 says death reigned from…
THURSDAY’S TRUTH Greater and Greater SCRIPTURE: 1 CHRONICLES 11:9 David started out like a champion. He slew Goliath the giant…
WEDNESDAY’S WISDOM Holiness Is Higher Than Royalty SCRIPTURE: PSALM 89:35 God says, “Be ye holy, for I am holy.” He…
THOUGHT FOR TUESDAY God Opened the Door of Faith and This Is What Happened to Us SCRIPTURE: ACTS 14:27 Boy,…
MONDAY’S MEDITATION You Carry the Branch While Others Poison the Water SCRIPTURE: EXODUS 15:22-26 The children of Israel are very…
FAITH FOR FRIDAY By Strength Will No Man Prevail SCRIPTURE: 1 SAMUEL 2:2 There is no rock like our God.…
THURSDAY’S TRUTH The Favored Guest… SCRIPTURE: JOHN 13 Jesus has gathered His disciples together for what we in the church…