WEDNESDAY’S WISDOM Just Because It Hasn’t Happened Doesn’t Mean It Won’t Happen SCRIPTURE: ROMANS 4 Abraham has walked with God…
THOUGHT FOR TUESDAY Are You in Contempt of Court? SCRIPTURE: DEUTERONOMY 11:27 The Bible is referred to as the book…
MONDAY’S MEDITATION When the Lord Turned Our Captivity Our Mouth Was Filled With Laughter SCRIPTURE: PSALM 126:2 Laughter is not…
FAITH FOR FRIDAY Are You a Receiver? SCRIPTURE: PHILIPPIANS 4:15 Paul states that the Philippian church was the only one…
THURSDAY’S TRUTH Have You Taken Your Temperature Lately? SCRIPTURE: REVELATION 3:16 The message to the lukewarm church at Laodicea. Jesus…
WEDNESDAY’S WISDOM The Power of Grace SCRIPTURE: 2 CORINTHIANS 12:9 Grace is one of those commonly misunderstood words in the…
THOUGHT FOR TUESDAY For Every Purpose There Is Time and Judgment SCRIPTURE: ECCLESIASTES 8:6 God has created us for His…
MONDAY’S MEDITATION I Don’t Know How You Strengthen Yourself, but I Start With Murder SCRIPTURE: 2 CHRONICLES 21:4 That got…
FAITH FOR FRIDAY Old Wounds Cause Present Pain SCRIPTURE: LUKE 4 Jesus has the remedy. His anointing binds up our…
THURSDAY’S TRUTH That Voice Crying in the Wilderness Still Speaks SCRIPTURE: MATTHEW 3:3 The wilderness is a place where the…